When I find I am losing the want to do something, or angry about having to do something I don't want to, or things don't go my way. I often find that I am not focusing on what my intensions are.
When you start something, you always had a reason for doing it right?
Now usually the initial reason is something for yourself. You know the "I want to be rich because I like nice things", or "I want to be skinny and fit because I'll look really good in a swimsuit".
All very basic "starter pack" intentions.
Then, if you really want whatever it is you go a little deeper... like if I had more money, I could take my whole family out to dinner.
Then all the sudden you have even deeper thoughts... like if I created more wealth, I could hire someone and help them create more too or, I could show people it is possible to create wealth.
Your intentions when doing hard things are everything.
The more we realize it is not about us, it is what we can do for others, the more we strive to succeed.
All the sudden how hard you must work is okay, your lack of motivation is irrelevant, and your eh fuck it attitude is a little harder to give in to.
But you must really want it.
And you must intend to do the absolute best with whatever it is for others.
Otherwise, your reason isn't strong enough, and you will quit on yourself, but we seem to always push though for others.
Odd huh.