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Writer's pictureajh3hanlon

The Law Of Action


The law of action.

This is the law that everyone trips on, and I mean everyone.

Until this point, the laws of the universe seem pretty free and easy. Imagine good things, feel good feelings, and good things will happen right?

Ahhh, so simple, that should be all you have to do!

Sadly, there is a caveat to all those good feelings and ideas you are thinking.

Insert, the law of action.

While it would be nice to just have good ideas and thoughts about what you should do, none of them will come into fruition until you start placing action onto them.

This is the hardest part.

It is very easy to think about doing great things and only have yourself know about it, but it is hard to go and do those things.

That is why the law of action is often forgotten.

We make excuses, we chicken out, or we just quit when it takes too long. Then, we think "screw it those dreams and ideas I have are just that, dreams and ideas".

This is when the devil wins, the drift happens, and the negative sets it.

The law of action is crucial for moving forward.

Without action, your thoughts cannot become material they are only abstract.

It is hard but that is what makes it all worth it.

I have a rule that makes this easier.

It is called the 1, 2, 3, rule.

The rule is: whenever I have a feeling to do something, or idea the universe and God have given me that I am scared to act on, I count to 3 and then do it.

This way I remove the negotiation, I cut any time out for fear, and I get the task done.

I am not perfect at this, but it does help when you want to chicken out.

Give it a shot next time you are called to do something you are scared to do.

Remember, thoughts without action are just thoughts.

We could all change the world, but only a few do.


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