One challenge I frequently face is distinguishing between being comfortable and complacent, and settling in to improve my skills.
This can often be a blurry line that needs time to assess.
To advance and achieve goals, we must avoid comfort. You cannot coast; you have to keep growing. Although there is a blend to this, you also want to ensure you are getting good at what you are doing before you move on.
This is where I often push my luck. I want to move quickly and sometimes neglect mastering my current tasks. I do not want to stay in one spot too long, but I also need to learn how to effectively do what I am doing before I add something new.
Often, I find I have to retrace my steps and send myself backwards to learn again. This is where becoming more aware of yourself, and how your brain works, is so important.
Knowing this about myself has made it much easier to create steps on how to change this habit. I can now identify when I'm veering off track and estimate how long I need to commit to something.
By identifying my triggers and common pitfalls, I can prepare for them.
Then, I can take a second and decide... am I letting myself get comfortable and adding this new task will help me grow, or am I just bored and need to focus more on what I am currently doing.
I am still working on this DAILY, but this is how I manage a busy mind. Give it a try, see if it helps you stay true to that goal you are trying to hit.