There are two ways you can look at fear.
You can fear the unknown... or you can fear not knowing.
You can fear death... or you can fear not living.
You can fear darkness.. or you can fear never looking for light.
You can fear change.. or you can fear never growing.
You have two choices always. We are all scared, we all have fear. It is just a matter of which fear you let control your thoughts.
Would you rather live life in fear of what could go wrong or, with regret for what you never gave a chance to go right?
Adjust you fear. Instead, fear never finding out, fear missing out on something amazing, fear never making a difference, fear leaving this world unchanged.
Remember there is no going back, only forward. Let your past guide your choices but do not let it stop you from making new mistakes.
We all think of ourselves too often. If for one second we instead thought of others and how our lack of action impacts someone else, maybe we would see that all the fear goes away.
When you truly want to make a difference, but you are too scared to act, make the mission about others. Make the mission bigger than you and your small fearful mind.
Then get moving towards that mission.